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Why job boards need branding

job board brandingJob board branding often gets a bad rap – as if there is something inherently bad in trying to create a unique, persuasive persona for your job board. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Think about it: most of the truly successful job boards out there have built successful brands. Monster. CareerBuilder. Dice. The Ladders. RegionalHelpWanted. Of course, a brand won’t replace solid technology, good marketing, and SEO. But in combination with these, branding will help push your job board past hundreds of other competitors.

Why? Branding gives your board a personality – something that can catch in a job seeker’s mind, a reason to remember you. A job seeker is overwhelmed with choices when it comes to job boards. A good job board brand helps to whittle down the choices – in your favor.

Don’t forget, too, that studies have repeatedly shown strongly branded products command higher prices and larger market shares than unbranded or poorly branded products. In short, a good brand is money in your pocket.

So what comprises a good job board branding effort?

  • a clear, succinct value proposition (Exclusively $100K jobs. Exclusively $100K talent)
  • a good, tight visual (I hate it….but Monster’s monster is good)
  • a solid supporting ‘look and feel’ (check out Dice – a truly refined but ‘techy’ look and feel)
  • consistency of messaging throughout every nook and cranny of the job board

Beware, however, of what gives branding a bad name:

  • lying about your services
  • images and design that are inconsistent with your audience (do you really want Flash and ‘gee whiz’ tech stuff for your truck driver site?)
  • inconsistency in messaging

Job board branding doesn’t have to be expensive, but it does require thought and hard work. The end result is worth it, though: in a market that has been commoditized, branding helps your job board stand out – and thrive.

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