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Results from the 2010 job board industry survey

job board industry 2010 surveyA few weeks back I asked you to help with a job board industry survey – and you did! You answered questions about the effect of the recession on your job sites, threats to your business – and your thoughts about the future of the industry.  So first and foremost, thanks!

I received 94 completed responses – which gives me considerable confidence in the results.  A wide range of job sites participated, ranging in revenues from less than $500,000 to more than $10 million. Each size segment was well represented, so again, I think that speaks to the usefulness of this data. Thus, without further ado (and in no particular order), here are some key findings:

  • The future looks bright: 80% of respondents said they were either somewhat or very optimistic about the opportunities in their particular niche of the job board industry. This held across all size categories, by the way.
  • Threats are out there: Among larger boards, price erosion was a big concern; with mid-size and small boards, the ongoing effects of the recession loom large. Other threats included: growth of job aggregators; LinkedIn; and search engine intrusion into the jobs market.
  • Technology rules: One finding that surprised me was the plans by all sites – regardless of size or revenue – to invest in technology. Perhaps, given the threats mentioned above, this finding isn’t that surprising after all.
  • More marketing: As the recession fades, expect to see more marketing from the job boards. A majority of respondents are planning to increase their marketing spends in the coming year.
  • Business is picking up: Most sites are seeing increases in job postings, resume access, and site advertising from a year ago. The larger boards are also seeing increases in other services such as targeted emails.
  • Niche dominates: As per the job board industry at large, most respondents had sites that focused on industry, geographic, or professional niches. Only 19% of respondents were ‘general’ job boards.

If you’re interested in seeing the full survey results, just fill out the Contact form and I’ll send you a copy.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. […] Job Board Industry Survey Results Released: The results from the job board industry survey are here, including questions about the effect of the recession, threats to business – and thoughts about the future of the industry. […]

  2. Interesting that job boards see the growth of aggregators as the main cause for concern outwith the external economic conditions. Especially when comparing the number of job seekers that say that they found a job using an aggregator.

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