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Heading to Nashville for the Jobg8 Summit!

Note: The Doctor is heading off to Jobg8’s Summit in Nashville this week – and thus thought a repost of this would be a good idea. Enjoy!

nashvilleHey folks, in a few months days I am heading off to the Jobg8 Job Board Summit, July 26-27, in Nashville. Why? Well, they invited me to put together the agenda and speaker list – so I kind of thought I should also show up! I think it’s a pretty good line-up – but of course, I would, wouldn’t I? Anyway, judge for yourself:

  • Matt Charney, of RecruitingDaily and Allegis Group fame, is delivering the keynote. If you’ve ever read or seen Matt, you already know that he tells it like it is – good, bad, or just scary. He’ll be talking about ‘Fundamental Changes in the Recruiting World’, and trust me, if anyone has their finger on the pulse of recruiting, it’s Matt. It’s also likely there will be a hip-hop reference or two.
  • Gerry Crispin of CareerXroads has convened an excellent panel of recruiting experts, including Danielle Monaghan of Amazon, Frans Mehieu of Kimberly Clark, Henry Cassanova of Macy’s, and Keri La Ra of Spectrum. They’ll be talking about what they expect from their recruiting partners – such as job boards and recruitment marketing firms. If you deal with enterprise-level clients, this is a can’t-miss lineup.
  • Chris Adams of Madgex is taking a speculative look into the demise of net neutrality, and what that might mean for those of us in the recruiting space. Who knows what may change between now and July?
  • Dan Roddy of Deloitte is diving deep into blockchain and how it might transform the world of recruiting. This session promises to be both intriguing and challenging!
  • It wouldn’t be a recruiting conference with a little AI, so there is an all-star panel including Somen Mondal of Ideal, Ryan Bush of TextRecruit, Randy Moore of PocketRecruiter, and Yasmin Zarabi of Entelo. They’ll get beyond the hype and dig into how – and where – AI is changing recruiting.
  • Melissa Miller of Uber will talk about recruiting in the gig economy. This is something that Uber knows a little bit about…
  • Lee Biggins of CV-Library digs into how you can extract value from your candidate database – and why you should. This is a topic we all think about – but sometimes don’t focus on enough.
  • Jackye Clayton of HiringSolved tackles hyperpersonalization – why candidates often drop out during the apply process, and how smart use of candidate data can make the candidate experience better. Think about how cutting the drop-out rate might boost your bottom line!
  • Randy Moore of PocketRecruiter talks about how his own experiences as a recruiter drove design and UI decisions in building recruiting software – and how AI played a big role.

There will also be plenty of networking opportunities, which is why some of you go in the first place. And since it’s Nashville, well…BBQ! Like I said, I’m a little biased on this one, but I think it will be a very interesting conference. And, umm, BBQ!

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