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the Metaverse is dead

The Metaverse is dead: or, money for nothing

The Metaverse is dead, haven't you heard? It's not 'officially dead' - yet - but for all intents and purposes, it has joined the long line of over-hyped and under-performing tech that was promised to 'revolutionize everything'. Nothing like pumping…

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Indeed changed its mind

Indeed changed its mind

Indeed changed its mind. First it said that its U.S. clients had to convert to the CPA model. Now it says that actually, they can still use CPC (although it has a new name, of course - 'branding'!). So what…

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adaptive brilliance of job boards

The adaptive brilliance of job boards

Well, that's a pushy way to start a post - claiming the adaptive brilliance of job boards! Apart from the assertion, it implies that job boards are still going strong - that they aren't dying, fading, or otherwise disappearing (Indeed's…

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resume database

The pros and cons of having a resume database

It’s been a while since I’ve talked about whether or not a job board or recruiting site should have a resume database. Originally, almost every job board had resume databases – and they charged employers to access them. Some still do,…

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