A heart not right – heart attack experience
Note: On September 5th, 2017 - almost 5 years ago - I had a heart attack. What follows is my description of how it felt. This is not an article about job boards or recruiting - so beware! But I…
Note: On September 5th, 2017 - almost 5 years ago - I had a heart attack. What follows is my description of how it felt. This is not an article about job boards or recruiting - so beware! But I…
In this episode of JobBoardGeek, Jeff Dickey-Chasins talks to...himself! Yes, co-host Steven Rothberg is off working (!). Jeff digs into 10 common mistakes that job boards and recruiting sites make. He finds these mistakes tend to occur no matter which…
What is the difference between acting and reacting? Well, if you follow the recruiting and HR news flow closely - as I do - these days you are inundated with articles about AI, funding rounds, the gig economy, marketplaces, and…
In this episode of JobBoardGeek, we talk to Damon Levy of ClassATransport and JobsInRigs about how he helps employers in finding truckers. It's always been hard to find truckers, but Damon has an 'all of the above' approach that uses multiple marketing channels to keep…
'Going on a date' has long been one way that people get to know one another, either for romantic or social reasons. The practice has waxed and waned (in my day, one-on-one dates were ridiculed, and we instead went places…
In this episode of JobBoardGeek, we talk to Mike Corso of disabledperson, a pioneering site for disabled job seekers. Mike talks about how the site morphed from an online magazine to a job board - and why it is set up as a…
Fasten your safety belts, this update is going to be a long one! The amount of acquisitions, funding, expansions, and so on is truly amazing this time around. Maybe it has something to do with spring? Anyway, let's get started:…
In this episode of JobBoardGeek, we talk to Stephen O' Donnell, founder of the NORAs. The well-known U.K. awards program for recruiting companies has proved durable - and Stephen lets us in on its origin story. Jeff Dickey-Chasins of JobBoardDoctor and Steven…
As the omicron wave of the pandemic fades, people are going back to 'normal life': eating out, going to concerts and other gatherings, and yes, returning to work 'in person'. Many of us are vaccinated, boosted, or double-boosted. Masks are…
In this episode of JobBoardGeek, we talk to Katie Mehnert of Ally Energy about how her efforts to bring diversity into the energy industry has been a challenge - but a rewarding one. She uses a combination of live events, awards, partnerships with companies,…