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Platforms, pipelines, ecosystems, and hubs

As with most industries, the recruiting industry is partial to faddish names and acronyms. ATS, PPC, 'talent pipeline', RPO, 'hiring marketplace', PPA, platforms, and so on, and so on. As systems grow in complexity, so do the names describing them…

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Gentle prods turn into actual sales!

Note: The Doctor is recovering from yet another Memorial Day, so this is some still-timely advice from 2009 (!!) Once, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, a job board salesperson called up a prospective employer, made his…

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acquisitions up in 2021

Acquisitions up in 2021 – why?

Acquisitions up in 2021? By my very rough count (i.e., take it with a grain of salt!), there have been 17 acquisitions in the recruitment marketing industry since the start of the year. Considering that there had been only 9…

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ZipRecruiter IPO

Does the ZipRecruiter IPO even matter?

The big news in our industry is the impending ZipRecruiter IPO (set for the day after the Doctor's birthday - no coincidence, I am sure!). When a job board IPO shows up in the tech press, the financial press, and…

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Have candidates forgotten you? Try advertising

Note: This post originally appeared in the summer of 2018 - but it's newly relevant as job boards reach out to candidates as the economy opens up. How can you reintroduce yourself? Read on: Job boards - both traditional and…

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