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everyone is selling

Everyone is selling (or buying)! Should I?

Note: This post first appeared back in 2019 - that's right, in the pre-COVID world. Yet it has plenty of relevance now, as the pace of M&A in the job board industry continues to pick up. Enjoy! Conventional wisdom would…

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digital to analog

Moving back from digital to analog

Remember shaking a person's hand? Going to a conference? Entering a building without masking up? This is moving from digital to analog. It may be hard to believe, but sometime over the next year, that world will reemerge. It won't be…

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build or buy

The eternal question: build or buy

One of the most common questions I get from startups is whether they should build or buy the software for their job board. It's a question that wasn't that common 10 years ago - simply because the options for job board…

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a really big job board

How to be a really big job board

When job boards get big - really big - they start acting like a really big job board - in other words, like a typical big company. What does that mean?  Well... They are smarter than you: It's one of those…

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thinking like a job seeker

Thinking like a job seeker

If you've read me for any length of time, you know that I believe job seekers are the driving force for our industry. They are why employers are willing to talk to us and willing to pay us. Their success…

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