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a bumpy ride

It will be a bumpy ride back to ‘normal’

Well, a few weeks into 2021, it still feels good to say that 2020 is behind us! The past year offered multiple challenges - not the least of which was the COVID pandemic. Let's review. A year ago, most of the job…

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Holiday musicfest!

Note: It's a few days before Christmas and the Doctor is undoubtedly frantically wrapping packages. This is a replay from last year. Enjoy! It's impossible to escape holiday music. Radio stations begin playing it in October September, Christmas muzak flows…

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job board M&A

Recent patterns in job board M&A

As you may remember, I try to keep an eye on the acquisitions and sales in the job board industry - in other words, job board M&A. Why? Well, first of all, I always need fresh ammo for responding to…

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