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A new dad holding his baby holding a pink slip after a layoff from his job.

Jobs, Layoffs and Start-Up Funding – HR Tech Let’s Go

Starting the final sprint of the fall conference season, I caught up with familiar faces at the second annual RecFest USA festival. And because Human Resources and Talent Acquisition conferences are never-ending, I’ll be reuniting with more new and old...err..mature…

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Google for Jobs vs Jobindex: A gold scale with money in one side and people in the other.

Battle for Search: Jobindex vs Google for Jobs

Google for Jobs is a job search service offered by Google, which kicked off in the US in 2017. By 2018, it had invaded the EU market and then waltzed into universal search results in 2019. Unsurprisingly, the launch of…

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For job board owners and talent acquisition vendors, the devil enters promising riches, love, and ambition.

The Devil Doesn’t Come In…

 ...Wearing a red cape and pointy horns, he appears as everything you've ever dreamed of, or so the saying goes. In the job board community and the broader talent acquisition world, this advice is worth heeding—not just for the sake…

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ZipRecruiter gets new signal with Breakroom acquisition

ZipRecruiter Finds a New Signal

Last week, ZipRecruiter announced its acquisition of Breakroom, a UK-based employer review platform focused on frontline industries such as retail and hospitality. This move signals ZipRecruiter’s need to improve the quality of job search data by cutting through the noise…

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change is good

Change is good

In March of 2009, I published my first JobBoardDoctor post. Was it any good? Well, you can judge for yourself - but I set out a clear task for myself: I wanted job boards to be better. What I promised…

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