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incremental improvements

The power of incremental improvements: LinkedIn shows the way

Although I'm hardly a LinkedIn fan-boy, I've found their strategy since acquisition by Microsoft quite interesting. As many predicted, they've become enmeshed with Microsoft's various enterprise products. But they've also continued to grow their own product via what I call incremental…

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great powers

The Great Powers: Recruit, Google, and Facebook

This is starting to feel like World War I: 'Great' powers, aggressive tactics, and a desire for world domination. Yep, I'm talking about the recruitment marketing industry. In case you didn't hear, Recruit bought Glassdoor last week. Many incisive analyses…

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big boys

How to inoculate yourself from the big boys

As long as I've been in this industry, there have been the big boys. The companies that have grabbed attention, market share, and investment. Sites like Monster, OCC, LinkedIn, Indeed,  HotJobs, and CareerBuilder. They sought the #1 position and told…

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Why go to conferences? Plus: a guide

About a year ago, I offered a guide to conferences for recruitment marketing folks. Now I'm packing up to go to another conference, and it made me wonder: why go to conferences? Why not just stay home and keep working?…

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Indeed and Google

The big showdown: Indeed and Google

You're in a crowded saloon. The biggest, baddest gunslinger is lounging at the bar, regaling his compatriots with stories of how big and bad he is, about his millions of followers and billions in revenue. Then the door swings open.…

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million dollar question

The million dollar question

Over the years I've worked with a number of clients who are thinking about the next step. Sometimes that meant an acquisition. Sometimes that meant new staff, or additional marketing. But it usually meant - at its core - growth. These…

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