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Seasonality rules: the ebb and flow of hiring

I'm looking out my window at a truly spectacular show of color from a beautiful maple - oranges, yellows, and reds. Sometimes the fall almost makes up for the Iowa winter. The natural world is not the only thing with distinct seasons.…

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The Doctor tells you what happened in Vegas

Smoke, lights, action! No, it wasn't a movie set, it was a typical few days in Vegas. Several hundred job board and online recruiting folks gathered for the last IAEWS Fall Congress (more on this in a moment). There were…

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job board authentic

Is your job board authentic?

Is your job board authentic? Authenticity is all the rage. Supporters of both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders claim that their candidates are 'authentic', meaning that they say what they think rather than a poll-tested response. In the food world,…

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global nature

The global nature of the job board industry

The global nature of the job board industry has obvious. From the beginning we've had sites around the world filling recruiting needs. But over the past several years, I've noticed a shift in the types of activity - from a…

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surveys matter

Ask the question: why surveys matter

I have no idea what you're thinking because I don't think surveys matter. In fact, I can't even see you. I guess I'm operating in the dark. The above pretty much describes any web-based business with regard to their relationship…

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