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Job seekers use job boards – for research

The Doctor is at the JobG8 job board summit this week - so this is from the archives. Enjoy! I've talked before about how job boards are evolving to meet the changing needs of both employers and candidates. I've also talked…

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branding is essential

Branding is essential for job boards

A blast from the past: this post originally appeared in 2009, but is still relevant. If you want to get hands-on instruction in branding for your job board, consider attending the JobBoardDoctor workshop: "Building Your Job Board Brand" - click…

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Modern, curated, and other words we (mis)use

I am continually amazed by the enduring power of words in our oh-so-modern world (and I say this of course as an unrepentant wordsmith). For example: last week I watched a webinar by GlassDoor in which they talked about 'traditional…

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candidates are fundamental

Candidates are fundamental

I've written about candidates before. I will write about them again. Why? Because candidates are fundamental to everything you do as an online recruiting service. Everything. Think about a couple of recent entrants to the job board world that have…

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the candidate's world

The surprising complexity of the candidate’s world

If you're talking about the candidate's world, you tend to use shorthand to talk about what happens: 'active' candidates, 'passive' candidates, applies, cost of hire, and so on. No surprise - every industry relies on verbal shortcuts - otherwise we'd…

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Hubs: job boards with a little bit more

Note: The Doctor is recovering from jet lag, San Diego, and the IAEWS Spring Congress. This is a popular and still pertinent post from the past: The 'traditional' job board is evolving - but as science tells us, every instance…

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