Screw up your job board in 6 easy steps
It's been a while since I took a look at how you can screw up your job board, so I thought it was time to revisit the subject. After all, if you're going to spend time on your site, why not…
It's been a while since I took a look at how you can screw up your job board, so I thought it was time to revisit the subject. After all, if you're going to spend time on your site, why not…
As 2013 draws to a close, it's a good time to take one last look at what is actually going on in the job board industry. More acquisitions, revelations, and developments, actually - so let's take a look: JobsInLogistics acquires…
Earlier this year I had the good fortune to attend the JobG8 Job Board Summit for North America. It was an interesting conference, full of useful insights about new and developing technologies, as well as clear-eyed looks at challenges for…
Pop quiz: which of the following will increase profitability the most? A) Individual job postings and/or resume access B) Annual or semi-annual job posting/resume access employer subscriptions I'm betting that most of you answered (B). So why do the vast majority of job…
I said I would be more prompt about my periodic roundups of new and unusual employment sites - and for once, I am! This time we're going to look at a special sub-set of site - hubs. I've talked about these…
My last post focused on what candidates do when they are looking for work. We asked a wide range of questions in order to get a better picture of how candidates behave 'in the wild', as it were. But this…
Hey everyone - I will be conducting a webinar next week (courtesy of Job Board Digest and Madgex) called 'Job Board Judo'. (Ironically enough, I used to do Tae Kwan Do - but that's another story). I will be talking…
What is the 2013 job seeker survey all about?'s what happens when you ask 1,276 job seekers how they really look for work. Guess what - you get some pretty interesting answers. Earlier this fall, I collaborated with (a…
I've almost recovered from the IAEWS fall congress - but in about 4 weeks I will be attending the JobG8 Europe Job Board Summit in London (Dec. 4-5). Actually, 'attending' isn't quite right - I will be presenting some very…
It's that time to take a look at what's been happening in the job board industry over the past month. All I can say is - more than you might imagine. So let's get started: Dice's ex-CEO sells stock: Dice Holdings…