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Talking about the future of job search

I recently did a Q&A with the folks at Cachinko about the future of job search. You may find it interesting - check it out here! [Want to get Job Board Doctor posts via email? Subscribe here.]. [Check out the JobBoardGeek podcast archive!]

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growth is good

Growth is good – even when it hurts sometimes

Despite the belief that growth is good, the last 3 years have been full of challenges for companies were simply struggling to survive. So what about companies that are growing? It's been a while since I've written about the challenges…

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Jobs2Web and RealMatch: push and pull

The big news in the recruiting world last week was the acquisition of Jobs2Web by SuccessFactors, which had only a few days before been gobbled up by SAP. Why Jobs2Web? Well, I think a part of the decision had to be…

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