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job board social media

Being social isn’t enough

Job board social media isn't just for fun. Sorry to tell you this - but job boards are businesses. They make money. They produce results. Why are these statements such a shock to social media enthusiasts? Just like Apple and…

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.jobs: Who does it benefit?

It's back!! Yes, just when I thought I wouldn't write about it again, the .jobs proposal has returned. If you're not familiar with the .jobs initiative to create 'a million' new job sites, go here.  In a nutshell, .jobs is…

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disaster strikes

Disaster will strike – it always does…

I am an optimistic pessimist. In other words, I expect the worst to happen, and when it doesn't, I'm pleasantly surprised. In fact, I usually try to act on my pessimistic outlook by planning ahead for disaster. This approach has…

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job board fundamentals

What no job board wants to talk about…

As you might guess, I'm a great believer in the fundamentals of job boards. I've seen the emails from happy job seekers and employers extolling the many ways job boards can save users time and money. In essence, for many…

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candidate importance

How important are candidates?

Are candidates important to job sites? But step back for a moment - why are employers willing to pay in the first place? Candidates - and not just any candidates. They want candidates that are skilled, experienced, and competent. Yet…

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The recession’s legacy for job boards

Ding dong, the recession's (not quite) dead! Every day I hear from another job site that their numbers are up, that more jobs are being posted, and that the general feel from employers is positive. Folks are breathing a little…

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Fundamental changes…or tempests in teapots?

People get bored. This is the number one reason that anything 'new and shiny' captures our attention. We get frustrated that what we're doing is, well, kind of repetitive and doesn't work the way we imagined it would. Then something…

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The impact of freelancers on job boards

The length and depth of the recession has led to an increase in freelancers in many professions. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics claims that the number of people who became self-employed as a result of the downturn…

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branding is essential

How branding protects against commoditization

Commoditization - it's a big word. What does the dictionary tell us? "When a product becomes indistinguishable from others like it and consumers buy on price alone, it becomes a commodity. " (emphasis added) One of the top concerns expressed in…

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