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job board salespeople

In praise of job board salespeople

I think job board salespeople deserve a lot more credit than they get. I'll admit, I'm biased, having been in sales off and on throughout my career. But a good salesperson is invaluable to the success of any business -…

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The death of job boards? Ahem…

I've been in the job board world since 1998, which probably makes me some sort of dinosaur or masochist. Strangely enough, the imminent death of job boards has been proclaimed almost since their inception. Today is no different. Whether it's…

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marketing tightrope

The marketing tightrope

Marketing a job board is akin to walking a tightrope with two contentious children hanging from either end of your balancing rod. On one side you have your employers, wanting more exposure, better candidates, and yes, their logo in a…

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Randomness and recruiting

How can job boards even continue to exist? Because they connect job seekers and those who want to employ them. If a job board doesn't do this simple task successfully, it eventually goes out of business. But as any hiring manager,…

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Nurturing leads into sales

Once, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, a job board salesperson called up a prospective employer, made his (because of course he was inevitably male) pitch, and the employer--after carefully weighing the pros and cons--bought. Er....not really.…

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Don’t make me jump!

If HMOs were developed to drive normally well-adjusted sick people over the edge, then I would posit that the typical ATS was designed to make a job seeker sink into deep and utter despair. Yes, I understand why an ATS…

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Be ready: Susan Boyle and your career site

By now, you've probably heard the story of Susan Boyle's triumphant appearance on 'Britain's Got Talent' (and if not, take a look!). Apart from the incredible positive change in her own life, I think Susan's story holds a few lessons…

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Revenue streams – do you have enough?

When was the last time you said your job board made enough money? Never? The search for revenue streams other than job postings and resume access is eternal. These 'big 2' have ruled the job board world since its inception.…

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job seeker respect

A little respect

To paraphrase Aretha Franklin (courtesy of Otis Redding), all job seekers and employers are asking for is a little respect. Problem is, they don't seem to give it to each other. • Point: the number one complaint from most job…

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