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the hiring industry

The pandemic and the hiring industry

Six months into the pandemic, it seems obvious - to me, at least - that the hiring industry (including job boards) is not going to go up in a puff of smoke. It felt like that was a distinct possibility…

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your niche disappears

What are you gonna do if your niche disappears?

The pandemic is shaping literally everything we do. Why? Because - unlike any previous catastrophe (well, except for climate change) - it is pervasive. You can't escape it - not forever. Sure, if you're lucky, you can bunker off to…

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job boards

Job boards are followers, not leaders

When thinking about the coming months (and who isn't!), I suggest that you keep in mind that job boards - by their nature - are followers, not leaders. We can't compel employers to hire certain people, or focus on certain types of…

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COVID 19: Job board industry leaders respond

As the worldwide COVID 19 pandemic continues, it seems obvious that things are not going to go 'back to normal' anytime soon. Unemployment is climbing - possibly to rates not seen in decades. Economic activity is grinding to a halt.…

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