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JobBoardGeek Podcast

JobBoardGeek: Is video worth a thousand job postings?

In this episode of JobBoardGeek, we talk to Brian Forrester of about how his company turns text job ads into video - at scale. With job ads often running to 300 words or (much) more, candidate engagement can be difficult. Jeff Dickey-Chasins…

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job board SEO

An extremely short guide to job board SEO

I don't talk much about job board SEO (search engine optimization) because: a) I'm not an expert; and b) many other folks are experts. But...I do have opinions and advice! So this will be my 'take the Doctor's comments with a…

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appropriate tech

Appropriate tech

Speaking of appropriate tech (were we?), have you played Wordle? Oh, why do I ask - of course you have! Everyone I know, from the hippest GenZ to the doddering edge of the Baby Boomers, has managed at least a…

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