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candidates and employers

Candidates and employers: two sides moving in a fog

A fundamental challenge for our industry is discovery: how do candidates and employers discover each other? You can argue that job boards - and newspapers before them - tried to solve this problem: they tried to make it easier for candidates…

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what employers want

Candidates are what employers want

Since the beginning of the year there have been dozens of recruiting startups, mergers, and acquisitions trying to address what employers want. Google is making a new foray into the jobs world. Indeed is trying to become a brand. Programmatic…

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If you don’t ask, you won’t know

Note: The Doctor is out this week, soon to return. This is from 2015 and still extremely relevant, IMO. Enjoy!   I have no idea what you're thinking. In fact, I can't even see you. I guess I'm operating in…

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recruiting sites

They caught my eye: a bushel of recruiting sites

Just back from TAtech (and will have a sum-up shortly), but in the meantime I continue to discover new job boards, recruiting sites, and other interesting recruiting startups. The last roundup was over a month ago, so I guess I'm…

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Candidates: the only thing that matters

As part of my ongoing research, I look at a lot (LOT) of job boards and recruiting sites (and of course those sites that will not call themselves job boards but actually are). I look at sites in Japan, Germany,…

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Aggregating people: where we’re going?

Note: The Doctor is taking a holiday break, so this is a repeat from 2014. Enjoy! A large percentage of what is billed as 'new' is actually just repackaged. For example, think about LinkedIn: is it really the first social recruiting site,…

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job board authentic

Is your job board authentic?

Is your job board authentic? Authenticity is all the rage. Supporters of both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders claim that their candidates are 'authentic', meaning that they say what they think rather than a poll-tested response. In the food world,…

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surveys matter

Ask the question: why surveys matter

I have no idea what you're thinking because I don't think surveys matter. In fact, I can't even see you. I guess I'm operating in the dark. The above pretty much describes any web-based business with regard to their relationship…

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