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Is it ever ethical to charge the job seeker?

There has been a spate of articles recently about TheLadders - specifically, how the site is a bad deal for job seekers. To wit: when I see the new commercials for The Ladders, I want to puke on my shoes...the jobs on The…

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social media

Using social media to promote your job site

A lot of the chatter about social media in our industry has been about how it may displace job boards as a core recruiting tool. Less has been said about how job sites can actually use social media to promote…

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top blog posts

Top Job Board Doctor blog posts from 2010

Job Board Doctor topped 100 posts this year - and some were more popular than others. I decided to look at this year's blog posts using 3 criteria: the number of comments, the number of page views, and the number…

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Cool job sites – part 2

A while back I wrote about some job sites that I thought were 'cool' - in other words, unusual (in a good way), well designed, and ‘of a piece’. I'm always prowling for new ideas and different ways to tackle…

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branding is essential

How branding protects against commoditization

Commoditization - it's a big word. What does the dictionary tell us? "When a product becomes indistinguishable from others like it and consumers buy on price alone, it becomes a commodity. " (emphasis added) One of the top concerns expressed in…

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And the winner is…

A few weeks back I offered to provide 6 hours of free consulting to one lucky job site. I called it the "Extreme Job Board Makeover." Why? Well, because the job board industry has been very good to me over…

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Confessions of a job board doctor

It's been a year since I started blogging - a year filled with both good things and not-so-good things. But the best thing? I'm still blogging, you're still reading, and we're all still learning. I rarely (well, actually, never) write…

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Does your job board need a logo?

There are thousands of job sites out there. If you spend much time looking at them, like I do, you quickly realize that many lack 'brand identity' - very few job board logos to be seen. In other words, they're…

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