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what works

What works in job boards

It's fun bashing job boards (ok, it's fun bashing any category of web sites, but we're talking job boards here). They're like pop music - lots of not-so-good with occasional gems. But how about focusing on the good ones for…

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Job boards must evolve or die

Can job boards evolve? Over a year ago, I wrote about the changes in the job board world. I also promised myself I wouldn't write about job boards 'dying' for at least a year. Well, time's up! Are some job…

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branding is essential

How branding protects against commoditization

Commoditization - it's a big word. What does the dictionary tell us? "When a product becomes indistinguishable from others like it and consumers buy on price alone, it becomes a commodity. " (emphasis added) One of the top concerns expressed in…

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recruiters hate job boards

Why (some) recruiters hate job boards

Oh, to be the new kid on the block! Twitter, Facebook, and the rest of social media are experiencing that thrill - they're new, exciting, and can do no wrong. A while back, job boards were the new kids. No…

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5 ways to make your job board better

Consider this a companion piece to last week's blog. Remember, you don't want an average job board - you want one that makes job seekers and employers alike enthusiastic! Ask questions. You can never know too much about your job…

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