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For job board owners and talent acquisition vendors, the devil enters promising riches, love, and ambition.

The Devil Doesn’t Come In…

 ...Wearing a red cape and pointy horns, he appears as everything you've ever dreamed of, or so the saying goes. In the job board community and the broader talent acquisition world, this advice is worth heeding—not just for the sake…

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run Rudolph run

Run Rudolph run! Music for the season

Note: It’s the week before Christmas and the Doctor is frantically wrapping packages. This is a replay from last year. Enjoy! It’s impossible to escape holiday music - or at least, Christmas-related holiday music. Radio stations begin playing it in October September,…

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adaptive brilliance of job boards

The adaptive brilliance of job boards

Well, that's a pushy way to start a post - claiming the adaptive brilliance of job boards! Apart from the assertion, it implies that job boards are still going strong - that they aren't dying, fading, or otherwise disappearing (Indeed's…

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job application response

Who is responsible for job application response?

Job boards can do many things with regard to job application response for employers: they can find and connect the employer to specific and targeted groups of candidates. They can foster a positive image of the employer via branding services.…

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holiday music

Holiday music that even the Doctor likes!

Note: It’s a few days before Christmas and the Doctor is frantically wrapping packages. This is a replay from last year. Enjoy! It’s impossible to escape holiday music. Radio stations begin playing it in October September, Christmas muzak flows out from countless store…

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Jingle Bells and all that!

Note: It's a few days before Christmas and the Doctor is undoubtedly frantically wrapping packages and cursing the supply chain. This is a replay from last year. Enjoy! It's impossible to escape holiday music. Radio stations begin playing it in…

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