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what works

What works in job boards

It's fun bashing job boards (ok, it's fun bashing any category of web sites, but we're talking job boards here). They're like pop music - lots of not-so-good with occasional gems. But how about focusing on the good ones for…

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Too much friction? Not enough?

In my experience, I've found that programmers working on job board site design often expect people to act linearly - going from point A to point B, logically and inexorably marching forward, until they reach their goal. People don't usually…

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job board solve

What problem does your job board solve?

Everyone has problems. Some are big, some are small, but at any given moment, a particular problem can seem overwhelming and incapable of being solved. If your site can solve someone's problem, you become a lifesaver in their eyes. This…

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Cool job sites – part 2

A while back I wrote about some job sites that I thought were 'cool' - in other words, unusual (in a good way), well designed, and ‘of a piece’. I'm always prowling for new ideas and different ways to tackle…

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job board social media

Being social isn’t enough

Job board social media isn't just for fun. Sorry to tell you this - but job boards are businesses. They make money. They produce results. Why are these statements such a shock to social media enthusiasts? Just like Apple and…

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The impact of freelancers on job boards

The length and depth of the recession has led to an increase in freelancers in many professions. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics claims that the number of people who became self-employed as a result of the downturn…

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branding is essential

How branding protects against commoditization

Commoditization - it's a big word. What does the dictionary tell us? "When a product becomes indistinguishable from others like it and consumers buy on price alone, it becomes a commodity. " (emphasis added) One of the top concerns expressed in…

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Cool job sites

Cool - now what is that, exactly? To me, it means unusual (in a good way), well designed, and 'of a piece'. In other words, if it's different and hangs together, or approaches the job board paradigm in a different,…

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