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incremental improvements

The power of incremental improvements: LinkedIn shows the way

Although I'm hardly a LinkedIn fan-boy, I've found their strategy since acquisition by Microsoft quite interesting. As many predicted, they've become enmeshed with Microsoft's various enterprise products. But they've also continued to grow their own product via what I call incremental…

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Google Jobs again

Google Jobs again: the sky is falling edition

That's right, it's Google Jobs again! Last week I walked through the Google Jobs initiative, which is comprised of a specific way of marking up job ads (and letting Google know you did), and the Cloud Jobs API, which addresses…

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department stores

Job boards and department stores

Remember department stores? I do. I remember going to Hubbards, our local version - riding up the escalator to the men's department in the 2nd floor, and of course the reverse path to the toy department in the basement. You…

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job postings

Life after job postings

I was discussing Indeed with some other folks at the JobG8 conference (what a surprise, right?), and one person made a comment that really stuck with me. "Google can wreck Indeed's business anytime they want, simply by changing their search…

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staffing industry

Indeed sharpens its knives for the staffing industry

I've written about Indeed's transformation in North America several times over the past five years. It added resumes, ridded itself of job board customers, and ramped up a direct sales force to tackle employer sales. It was famously acquired by the…

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