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Wallpaper: how ‘the next big thing’ fades

Remember social recruiting? It was huge in 2010. Big. Awe-inspiring. Going to change the face of recruiting as we knew it, and of course eliminate all other recruiting methods. As CareerXRoads says, it is no longer tracked separately in their…

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zombie job board

Take the Zombie Job Board Test!!!

A few years back during the deep, dark recession, a few articles appeared about zombie job boards (not to mention jobs for zombies). These sites staggered forward despite a lack of traffic, audience, or employers, refusing to die, filling the…

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candidates are fundamental

Candidates are fundamental

I've written about candidates before. I will write about them again. Why? Because candidates are fundamental to everything you do as an online recruiting service. Everything. Think about a couple of recent entrants to the job board world that have…

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email of the recruiting world

Job boards are the email of the recruiting world

New is always better than old. Don't believe me? Take an inventory of articles published in the last 12 months that focus on something new that will 'revolutionize' recruiting and leave all existing technologies/methods/disciplines in shambles. (This of course also…

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