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Why differentiation is critical for success

Job boards - like almost all other businesses - have a tendency to look and function a certain way; in other words, they lack differentiation. Call it the default 'operating mode'. This is partly because of customer expectations (usually set…

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hiring lesson from Japan

A hiring lesson from Japan?

Is there a hiring lesson from Japan out there? Well, employers throughout much of the world are facing a hiring problem: they have more jobs than people willing to do them. This problem is nothing new - it existed before…

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StackOverflow jobs

StackOverflow jobs is…over

Well, I missed it - StackOverflow jobs, that is. Back in April 2021, StackOverflow announced that it was "moving away from job slots and direct hiring".  This was the oldest part of their various revenue streams, and also one of…

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recruit candidates

How do your clients recruit candidates?

How do your clients recruit candidates? Geez, you think, that's a dumb question, Doctor! They use my recruiting services!! Well, hold on, pardner. Do you really understand how your clients actually recruit candidates - everything they do, in addition to…

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