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job board M&A

Recent patterns in job board M&A

As you may remember, I try to keep an eye on the acquisitions and sales in the job board industry - in other words, job board M&A. Why? Well, first of all, I always need fresh ammo for responding to…

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the gig economy

The gig economy is not for everyone

The pandemic has brought a renewed focus on working remotely - which in turn has pushed the gig economy to the forefront once again. Makes sense, right? After all, if you've been laid off but you still have to pay…

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job board companies

A tale of two job board companies

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times for job board companies. Sorry, just had to use that! But indeed, for some job boards, right now is pretty darn good. And for other job boards, it's…

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Food for thought on a very important day

NOTE: It's been over 3 years since the Doctor's heart attack.  In case you're wondering, he's doing fine. But he thinks the post he wrote after the original event is worth a re-read - particularly on this very important day…

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Are destination job boards dead?

Job boards began as digital translations of 'real world' objects: newspaper classifieds. The relatively low cost of entry meant that job boards soon proliferated. And from this crazy-quilt of sites grew the job board advertising wars, promoting destination job boards.…

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