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5 burning questions for 2024

5 burning questions for 2024

Why ask 5 burning questions for 2024? Better yet, why not? Back when I managed a publishing company, I learned something very important. The fastest way to shut down a conversation is to label a question - any question -…

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2023: the job board year in review

2023: the job board year in review

Today we're looking at 2023: the job board year in review. Why? Well, it was a heck of a year, to be honest. 2022 was a very strong year for employment and job boards, if you remember, and there was…

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run Rudolph run

Run Rudolph run! Music for the season

Note: It’s the week before Christmas and the Doctor is frantically wrapping packages. This is a replay from last year. Enjoy! It’s impossible to escape holiday music - or at least, Christmas-related holiday music. Radio stations begin playing it in October September,…

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prepping for 2024

Prepping for 2024 – working the odds

As you may being prepping for 2024 - yes, I know, it's already almost the end of the year and you aren't ready for Christmas, either - the Doctor has a few thoughts. In fact, I often have more than a…

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