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job board customers want

What do your job board customers want?

When was the last time you asked your job board customers what they want? Not just a one-off question to a few clients - but an systematic, organized survey of everyone who uses your site? Employers and job seekers? A…

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applicant tracking systems

Job boards and applicant tracking systems

The appeal of applicant tracking systems (ATS) for employers is obvious: they promise to bring order to the often disordered process of managing job applicants. An ATS can theoretically drive all job applicants into a single pipeline, massage their unruly…

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Why job boards need branding

Job board branding often gets a bad rap - as if there is something inherently bad in trying to create a unique, persuasive persona for your job board. Nothing could be further from the truth. Think about it: most of…

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economic indicators

Job boards as economic indicators

As I was sorting through the usual spate of 'job boards are dead' articles, I noticed other more interesting types of articles: pieces that point to job board postings as indicators of the state of the economy. (Monster has published…

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Can job boards truly be ‘Web 2.0’?

At their core, most job boards are series of one-way communications: employer posts a job; job seeker responds to employer; employer does (or doesn't) respond to job seeker. Each communication is distinct and separated by both time and method -…

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Pay per posting vs. pay per response

For the past 15 years, the job board industry has been dominated by the 'pay per posting' revenue model: an employer purchases a job posting (and sometimes resume access or other add ons). Yet there's another model that has been…

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job seeker registration

What is the value of job seeker registration?

Is job seeker registration good or bad? And if you require registration, how much is too much? much value should you attach to these registered users? Personally, I think a little friction is a good thing (as does Seth…

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Reference: job board software

Due to popular demand (i.e., you!), I've just added a page to Job Board Doctor that lists the currently available job board software. I've tried to make it comprehensive, but I'm sure I missed someone. Tell me!  This reference area…

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