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big data

Should job boards ignore big data?

A long time ago - well, maybe a year or two - big data was being touted as the next big thing. It would 'change the game' for recruiters, it would change the workplace, and provide 'new recruiting insight'. Guess…

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job boards

Making money: a tale of two (really big) job boards

The job board industry is (and has been) in transition. Startups are sprouting faster than crabgrass in spring, venture funding is flowing in, and existing players are expanding. Yet at the same time, some sites are fading. The industry growth…

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job board year in review

2014: the job board year in review

It feels like 2014 was the year that VC money returned to the job board industry. Each month brought more news of investments and funding (not to mention some pretty substantial growth by existing players). So let's take a journey…

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job board buzz

The job board buzz: what’s going on in the industry

December is here, and as you might guess, job board buzz and activity has continued unabated in the online recruiting and job board world. Let's see what's happened lately:  Indeed goes public, kind of: Recruit, the parent company of Indeed, went…

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