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hiring system

Boom!: Google creates a hiring system

Remember Google Base? Joel Cheesman does. "The company launched Google Base in the mid-2000s to much fanfare." never went anywhere. Then last year Google announced that they were working with CareerBuilder, Jibe, and Dice on a Jobs API. That…

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Monster: not with a bang, but a whimper

So, finally, it happened. Randstad, the international staffing behemoth, bought Monster last week for $429 million. Yep, million. As in several hundred million less than Monster's 2015 gross revenues. Ow. There was a lot of analysis, some of it quite good.…

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Busted!!: or, all the news that fits

It's been a bit longer than usual since my last news roundup, so this missive may be rather packed. View it as your morning pick-me-up high density news sandwich. Or something like that. Ahem. Anyway, let's get started: Not so smart: David…

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