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the Metaverse is dead

The Metaverse is dead: or, money for nothing

The Metaverse is dead, haven't you heard? It's not 'officially dead' - yet - but for all intents and purposes, it has joined the long line of over-hyped and under-performing tech that was promised to 'revolutionize everything'. Nothing like pumping…

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ZipRecruiter IPO

Does the ZipRecruiter IPO even matter?

The big news in our industry is the impending ZipRecruiter IPO (set for the day after the Doctor's birthday - no coincidence, I am sure!). When a job board IPO shows up in the tech press, the financial press, and…

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a really big job board

How to be a really big job board

When job boards get big - really big - they start acting like a really big job board - in other words, like a typical big company. What does that mean?  Well... They are smarter than you: It's one of those…

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