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Google for Jobs vs Jobindex: A gold scale with money in one side and people in the other.

Battle for Search: Jobindex vs Google for Jobs

Google for Jobs is a job search service offered by Google, which kicked off in the US in 2017. By 2018, it had invaded the EU market and then waltzed into universal search results in 2019. Unsurprisingly, the launch of…

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5 burning questions for 2024

5 burning questions for 2024

Why ask 5 burning questions for 2024? Better yet, why not? Back when I managed a publishing company, I learned something very important. The fastest way to shut down a conversation is to label a question - any question -…

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compete with LinkedIn

How to compete with LinkedIn, Indeed, and Google

Ever wonder how to compete with LinkedIn, Indeed, and Google? Well, as long as I’ve been in this industry, there have been the big boys. The companies that have grabbed attention, market share, and investment. Sites like Monster, OCC, LinkedIn, Indeed, …

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the Metaverse is dead

The Metaverse is dead: or, money for nothing

The Metaverse is dead, haven't you heard? It's not 'officially dead' - yet - but for all intents and purposes, it has joined the long line of over-hyped and under-performing tech that was promised to 'revolutionize everything'. Nothing like pumping…

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Google job ads

Google job ads are here – now what?

On March 1, Google job ads came into the hiring world like a lion. Ok, not really - but it made a great opening sentence, eh? No, the first sighting of Google job ads (thanks to Tom Chevalier!) seems more…

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