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What a job board doctor really does

In my recent survey of readers, several asked for more information about what I actually do (other than write these blog posts, I suppose). I do cover a bit of this on the website, but I thought I'd make it more specific. So...what…

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the job candidate

It’s always about the job candidate. Really.

The most common mistake I see job board startups make is completely understandable. They spend all of their time and effort thinking about the employer. Why? Because that's (usually) where the money is. They're wrong. If you don't have the…

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Monstrous! – Can Monster pull it off?

Once, in a world far, far away (i.e., the 1990s), Monster beat its chest and claimed to be the biggest and best source for online jobs in the world, bar none. Then, last week, Monster - diminished, no longer for…

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