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What a job board doctor really does

In my recent survey of readers, several asked for more information about what I actually do (other than write these blog posts, I suppose). I do cover a bit of this on the website, but I thought I'd make it more specific. So...what…

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Number-fied: what I learned at the JobG8 summit

There is just nothing like late June in Orlando (unless perhaps you prefer mid-July): 95% humidity, temperatures hovering in the low 90s, and drenching thunderstorms with sheet lightning. Oh, and don't forget the tourists! So I was initially not so…

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What’s in a job board name? Lots.

Almost every week I see a blog post or tweet claiming that job boards are dead or dying. We're talking about the top source for hiring outside of employee referrals here. A tool that almost every employer uses to locate some or all of their job…

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job board myths

Job board myths and how to fight them

How do job board myths start? First, something happens - something unusual or notable, something that prompts a person to file it away in their memory. Next, the person tells a story about what happened. Perhaps they exaggerate or embellish…

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screw up your job board

Screw up your job board in 6 easy steps

It's been a while since I took a look at how you can screw up your job board, so I thought it was time to revisit the subject.  After all, if you're going to spend time on your site, why not…

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