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Programmatic gets some respect

Programmatic ads have been around for a while in the consumer space. If you've been in a deep dark cave for the past 5 years (and if that's the case, why are you reading this post?), a quick definition: programmatic…

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on-demand workers

Are on-demand workers changing your business?

The on-demand labor world - better known as the gig economy - has been with us for a while now. Some of you run marketplaces focused on on-demand workers; others supply candidates to on-demand companies like Uber or DoorDash. Depending…

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RecPlus: greetings from sunny Barcelona!

I was in Barcelona last week (I know, the life of a Doctor is hard :-)) attending and speaking at the RecPlus conference. It was an eye-opening experience - and one that I highly recommend. The content was top-notch, the…

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