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Communication is a magic tool

When people talk about communication, they often frame it as one-way: 'I am communicating to you'. Substitute 'persuading' for communicating, and you end up with a commercial. 'I'm talking to you', instead of 'I'm talking with you.' We're all guilty of it,…

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The Muse

The Muse: employer branding can be lucrative

Seven years ago a job site for female millennials launched. It was called The Daily Muse. Fast forward to now - there was a name change (The Muse), an injection of $30 million dollars, massive growth, and voila!: the site…

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Candidates are the key

Note: The Doctor is on a much-needed vacation this week. So enjoy this post from 2017 - and get ready for fall! Since the beginning of the year there have been dozens of recruiting startups, mergers, and acquisitions. Google is…

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Find your way through the real labor market

Note: The Doctor is recovering from the holiday (and too much house painting!). Enjoy this still-relevant post from last year: A fundamental challenge for our industry is discovery: how do candidates and employers discover each other? You can argue that job…

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If you don’t ask, you won’t know

Note: The Doctor is out this week, soon to return. This is from 2015 and still extremely relevant, IMO. Enjoy!   I have no idea what you're thinking. In fact, I can't even see you. I guess I'm operating in…

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Authentic or fake?: where your site ends up

Note: The Doctor is out for the next few weeks, helping his sister deal with her cancer. This is from a few years ago, but still quite relevant Authenticity is all the rage. Supporters of both Donald Trump and Bernie…

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