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If given a chance – what would you do?

Note: A derecho hit the Midwest last Monday  - and the Doctor is still waiting for his power and internet to return! So in deference to Mother Nature, here is a post from last year that is still quite relevant.…

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your niche disappears

What are you gonna do if your niche disappears?

The pandemic is shaping literally everything we do. Why? Because - unlike any previous catastrophe (well, except for climate change) - it is pervasive. You can't escape it - not forever. Sure, if you're lucky, you can bunker off to…

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COVID 19: Job board industry leaders respond

As the worldwide COVID 19 pandemic continues, it seems obvious that things are not going to go 'back to normal' anytime soon. Unemployment is climbing - possibly to rates not seen in decades. Economic activity is grinding to a halt.…

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Caucuses and job boards: a cautionary tale

Did you know the Doctor lives in Iowa? Well...he does. And a few weeks back, he participated in the famous Iowa Caucuses (perhaps for the last time? We shall see). You may have heard there were a few problems. But…

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Do you really want funding?

My monthly news roundups invariably feature a number of companies that have received funding from venture capitalists and other types of investors. Going through funding rounds - which was pretty much non-existent during the first few decades of the industry…

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path to profitability

Path to profitability?: a tale of Uber-idiocy

Uber has the distinction of having its company name enter the English language as both a verb and noun: 'Let's uber to the restaurant', and 'We'll grab an Uber'. Like Kleenex and Band-Aid before it, Uber is sliding into the…

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dinosaurs and automobiles

Making money with dinosaurs and automobiles

Ok, a question for you: which site can make more money - a job board that gets 80%+ of its revenue from job postings, or a job board that gets 80%+ of its revenue from 'recruiting solution' subscriptions? Um...trick question.…

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