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million dollar question

The million dollar question

Over the years I've worked with a number of clients who are thinking about the next step. Sometimes that meant an acquisition. Sometimes that meant new staff, or additional marketing. But it usually meant - at its core - growth. These…

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solving problems

Solving problems for fame, fortune, and results

A long time ago (no, I'm not going to tell you how long), I was given some excellent advice. Before buying a tool/car/software/etc., determine what you hope to do with this product. If you're planning to write the great American novel, you…

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sourcing or advertising

Pick a strategy path: sourcing or advertising

Sometimes it's useful to step back and generalize a little. I believe the appropriate cliche is 'you can't see the forest for the trees'. Whatever. Let's just say that if you don't have a good guiding principle for what your…

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