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Contests and such: some JobBoardDoctor news

Spring is one of my favorite times of year - most importantly, it signals the end of winter! But it also signals the start of job board conference season - and something special this year: a contest. CareerLeaf and JobBoardDoctor…

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matching for job boards

Matching for job boards: another view

This week's guest post by Paul Basile on matching for job boards was sparked by my post last week on matching. Paul Basile is CEO of Matchpoint Careers, a matching service that uses psychometrics to help employers hire better candidates.…

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Number-fied: what I learned at the JobG8 summit

There is just nothing like late June in Orlando (unless perhaps you prefer mid-July): 95% humidity, temperatures hovering in the low 90s, and drenching thunderstorms with sheet lightning. Oh, and don't forget the tourists! So I was initially not so…

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people aggregation

People aggregation: buzzword or new paradigm?

A large percentage of what is billed as 'new' is actually just repackaged - as we will see in this examination of people aggregation. For example, think about LinkedIn: is it really the first social recruiting site, or simply a…

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